Friday, May 15, 2020

Addiction is a disease Free Essay Example, 1750 words

Addiction has none of the above characteristics. (Dodes, 2011). The fact that, if addiction is not dealt with in time might get worse is the only characteristic of addiction that is similar to that of a disease. According to Mclemore (2007), one of the factors that lead to addiction includes genetic causes. Some types of addictions may be inherited. In case one comes from families with a history of addiction for example a child whose parents are alcoholics is most likely to be an addict although its not necessary that he/she becomes an alcohol addict he/she may become a workaholic or even a smoking addict. The environment can also be considered as a risk factor. For instance where one is raised increases or decreases the chances of one becoming an addict. In places where the substance is readily available and accessible, there is a possibility that there will be a high number of addicts. But in areas where the substances is not available or disapproved of by the society, the likelih ood that the number of addicts will be low is very high. We will write a custom essay sample on Addiction is a disease or any topic specifically for you Only $17.96 $11.86/pageorder now Young people between the ages of 14-18 that are addicts, in most cases come from homes where some of these addictions are considered as acceptable. Hence, in most cases they may not consider using some substances as wrong or even harmful. Addiction can also be mental, it may be caused by production of a chemical messenger in the brain know as dopamine. It is produced when someone thinks of the substance or activities that are associated with addiction. This chemical messenger activates a part of the brain that responds to rewards and the pleasure that makes the person have a good feeling. Repetition of introduction to these activities and substance makes one to be an addict. Addiction can also be caused by the need to perform better in school or even at work places. Some people have the belief that drugs enhance their performance in some activities that they undertake. Also the use of drugs can also be social based, people how are not able to social ize easily can turn to drugs so as to gain the courage to socialize. The use of a substance due to these beliefs, with time the person becomes an addict. According to Flowers (2010), some people also use addiction as a defense or coping mechanism due to past experiences which may be physical, psychological, emotional or sexual abuse. These encounters may cause someone to be prone to addiction so as to avoid dealing with some of these issues. They tend to rely on other substances or actions that might help them cope or avoid facing such experiences.

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